Friday, November 17, 2006

"Bubba" the panda hamster

Actually, I heard the OAR interview this a.m., just busy every since.   My break times today have been spent tweaking my list of other journals.   Oops, I found out AFTER doing this, that I was to limit myself to 6-8 suggestions.  LOL oh well:)   This has been fun! and lifts my spirits. 

Daisy, our beagle, and I, run into Brandy, whose owner commented that "This is going to be a good day."   Yes, it is!   The sun is back, the crows have reclaimed the tops of trees, cawing away.   I save a drowning worm.  Daisy practices agility under downed branches, missing two squirrels chasing each other then catching the scent of something else VERY exciting.  Off she takes me.   (Cat) Indie didn't join us today.   Oh, he did join us again one recent morning, but still mostly peeks outside and stays inside.   I let him breathe in the air by leaving the door cracked open, only to find Captain in the bushes, lol, come on in, buddy.  

M was trying to wrap a hamster cage and supplies.   "Herding cats" for breakfast, I'd been glad we didn't also bring home the hamster last night.  

At the time, I just didn't wish to keep "Bubba" in my truck that long.   Good thing, too, for the storms last night caused much flooding, a bridge washed out delaying us almost 40 minutes enroute to dance rehearsal.   (Teacher Ma calls us as we're going home, "If M is running that late again, I feel badly, I don't wish her coming all that way for almost no dancing, just have her stay for the next class."  This is the class we'd LIKE M to be in, we think, but AFTER Oircheatas is over so Ma can concentrate more on others, too.   M made the work on new steps which they'll finesse tomorrow a.m.)   Various traffic reports, freight train derailed disrupting travel between B'more and Washington, car fire on 270, beltway/495 completely closed down in one direction....... we're all alive, no running out of gas.  I slipped in a cd by Dan Nelson, featuring music from Narnia and M "rested."

Ah, yes, "Bubba" is a panda hamster I relented to having put on reserve.   M is going to a sleepover birthday party and the parents okayed the birthday girl getting a hamster, which the girl has already named "Bubba" for some odd reason.   M thinks it's cool.    M has always wanted one herself, or other small rodent.   "Are you nuts, child?  We have five cats and a beagle, and you think a hamster wouldn't feel stressed if it stayed alive in our home?"   "PUULLLEEZZZEEEE."   The night before, we'd dined with friends, MegMAID of Shawn's ZandB blog, actually.   Lovely company, relaxing time I've so needed.   The girl there has a cute hamster, too.   I discuss finances with M, who finally agrees to contribute $10. reminding me that she's been friends with birthday girl for 8 years now.

Billy investigates the empty cage and "helps" with the wrapping paper.   M thinks calling Billy, Billy Bob, is cool, too.   Kids.   Wow, she woke up happily and early to reels repeating itself on her clock radio, yet somehow still running out of time to pack and dress and wrap.   If we don't focus on what we're doing to get ourselves ready, it's easy to not be finished by thee goal, especially with anything else added, such as subtracting $10. from allowance owed and wrapping odd-sized gifts.   Of course, I agree to help so she could dress and get to school on time, so now I'll head out to finish the wrapping, or, rewrap what the cats unwrapped, and pick up its new inhabitant.  Bubba, the panda hamster. 

Update:   M looks out the door into the cold, "Mom?!"   Five squealing preteen girls soon run down the driveway.   Birthday girl, arms wide open, "Bubba!  Bubba!"    As the ad says, "priceless." :)

The parents invite me to join them for dinner, where I learn that the dad is almost as excited as his daughter for her to have pets.  She was also given a betta fish, Bubbles.


  1. Congrads! For being the Guest Editor.  Have a good weekend!


  2. congratulations and Best Wishes
