Friday, October 27, 2006

all those initials

M is my 12 year old daughter.

C is her father.   Sh is his long-term girlfriend, and Si is their daughter, the 4-year old half-sister to M.

Doug is my brother (and also my late cousin).   Mom and Dad are, well, gee, ya think perhaps my Mom and my Dad.   Bob is my stepfather.   Beth is one of my aunts, my father's sister.

BJ is not his name but a nickname based upon his screenname, and yeah, a real sweetie ;)   I can't talk about him nearly as much as I'd enjoy to, good or bad lol but right now all good, in part to protect his privacy, and in part as others on aol also know him.

Daisy is our beloved beagle, the alpha pet which also includes Indie, Libby, Billy, Captain (Hook), and Tinkerbell.

Ma is the ironic nickname I came up with for the main owner and dance teacher at M's Irish stepdance school.  

L is sometimes M's one teacher, and sometimes M's one friend, and Mo is M's other teacher.   Md is one of M's best friends.

Brian, well, my best male friend from college, Amy being my roomie / best female friend from college.    SO is a former boyfriend I'm still friends with and haven't mentioned in a while, but he's in the overall dance community here.   As are my two very favorite dancers, E and P.   E is also a good friend of mine, and P I suppose could be but he's mostly in the other dance club, which I'm in but can't typically get to.   E is in my main one and that other one.

Any other basics anyone cares to ask, please feel free.   I may not answer, but wtheck:)



1 comment:

  1. Uh huh, sounds like a James Bond novel... And you are R, double oh nine.

