Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Day - that isn't, quite, yet.

"School's on time this morning, honey."   M didn't complain.  She doesn't feel or sound too sick anymore, either, just a bit stuffed up.  It's pretty outside.   I wake her up asking her what she wants to drink.   Mumble mumble equates to raspberry hot chocolate.  

"Mooommmmmmmm, did you buy me the green dress???!!!!!"   Wow, she found it already?!   Friend of mine and I had decided that M rarely if ever uses her closet, or, well, goes into it, so that'd be the perfect spot to "hide" her newly bought (used) solo dress.   "THANK YOU!!!"   Heck, I wanted it to be sometime between V. Day and St. Pat's Day, but, that's okay....... I'd put away much of her clothes this past weekend, instead of them folded on her computer desk, and the closet "door" (sheet curtain) was open, the green dress and gold trim glowing in the morning light from where M's bed is.   Oops.  :)

Daisy tried to take off and run and play in the snow falling down and on the ground:)   She enjoys this.   It just wasn't working so well our first morning walk, being my snowboots were in the truck with my "survival kit" of sorts.   Weirdly, if I'd closed my eyes, the falling snow sounded like rain.

M was taking off her Breathe-Right strip, getting dressed, playing with Daisy some.  She insisted on not taking her snow boots I'd brought inside for her, wearing her warm clogs with fake fur lining.   We'd worked a fair bit on her immigration studies last night, "Mom, you ARE helping me with this."   This morning, she felt good about where she was with it. 

Last night, not so much.  This is the heavy get into it part, and it's seeming overwhelming to her right now.   I'd read some of the books with her, rambling off facts I found intriguing, and she said she had hours of notes written down, panicked she couldn't find them.   She starts writing on whatever blank page her notebook opens to, phew.   They were there.   And, this a.m., I found WHERE in the truck I"d left the folder of Tenement Museum pages I'd printed out for her.   The teachers saying that no other homework this week even really matters, especially if today and tomorrow are/were snow days.   Just get this stuff prepared..... NYC is next week.  They have schedules nowand everything:)  

M said last night that she had to call someone.  "Okay, sure.   Um, whom?"  "Someone in New York."   "Someone?"  She has to call the Irish Art Center??? in NYC, for the Irish Immigration group of three are going to try to sit in on a bagpipe class.   I tried not to laugh.  "Honey, does your teacher realize that bagpipes are usually associated with Scotland, not Ireland?"   M is on top of this.  "There are two types, Mom, one with a really funny sounding name, and the other regular ones."  "You mean, uillean bagpipers?"  "Yes, those are the Irish ones."  (For the record, highland bagpipers are the bagpipers more specific to Scotland.  And kilts are really more Scottish, also.)  None of them wanted to make this call, so M traded a paragraph on how the Irish immigrants utilized natural resources (she thinks, in NYC, not in Ireland), to make this call.   "A" offered his cell phone but complained a lot about the minutes left, how it's prepaid and he knows she'll talk too long, that M said, fine, I'll use my own.  lol.   (Note to A, you're not impressing M here, if you still like her.)  Cr had been interested in seeing Irish step dancing (I'll let his mother know of the Big Show M is in coming up in March).   A pennywhistle class is held at a time they can't visit, bodhran's not mentioned.  Okay, uillean bagpiper class sounds intriguing, and, they are planning this themselves.   

This a.m., M doesn't wear her coat while we talk about why this part of the sidewalk is still just wet, even if it's been snowing off and on since yesterday, and this part has snow on it.   (Likely different ground temperatures -- not much stuck yesterday, and today it's a very wet snow in parts.)  She is smiling, eating fresh puffy snow from outside her window.   I don't even have to do much more than start the window wipers.  Dropping M off at school, she asks me if I have a hat with me.  Child, no hat, today?   I ask her about her new black hat.   In her barn locker, it's snug for under her riding helmet.  Um, okay.  "It's covered with hay right now."  lol   She nixes the idea of being seen with the purple hat I have in the "survival kit."  Eh, it's in the 30's I think.   I wasn't even wearingahat.   I just would prefer she be PREPARED.   Plus, what if they go outside to play?  "I WON"T be going outside."  

Funny how many adults were talking yesterday and Sunday in hopes of there being a full shutdown TODAY.   Methinks we've been given 1 more day to prepare:)   I'm feeling less sick now, yet not at all unhappy to think of M and I staying home, enjoying a snow day!   Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.........  (just, please, none of this ice or freezing rain crap, 'kay?  I know it's global warming and all, but can we please still be above (north of) the band where it's iff and 32F-ish?)

Even if I'd like the children in all the classrooms to still enjoy a St. Valentine's Day party tomorrow.   I know my one teacher friend was going to tell her 1st graders yesterday that they'd have their party on Thursday instead if need be.   They'd made boxes and everything, for art projects.  M used to do that in her primary class, and we still have the one BIG box we made for the entire class one year.  I store some of her V. Day things in there.

Ah, early release.   2.5 hours early release.   Dad calls, asks me if I'll be by.   I don't know..... depends upon how the roads are, which he's comfortable with.  I ask him if he's tried on his sweatpants.   Knowing others can hear me, I didn't really want to ask if he'd put ON his pants.  "Oh, I'm wearing them now, they fit great.   They're really warm."  YES! 

Then later, the e-mail, M's school will be 2.75 hours early release.   I've already shifted tomorrow's meetings.  I'm hopeful for a great afternoon, and, well, we'll see about tomorrow!   No rehearsal last night, no class tonight, heat's been working perfectly since the temperatures got back into "normal" winter temperatures.   Can you tell I'm ready for this?  lol

(p.s. -- no word in today's The Washington Post that I could find re: Senior's Boyfriend's trial.   It wasn't murder or anything where anyone was hurt, btw, not that bad, thankfully.  Anyway, it may still be in the more local weekly newspaper tomorrow, but at least, for today, maybe she can find some peace in school, before it lets out.)


Update:   Wednesday, no school, meant Daisy got her St. Valentine's Day cookie from M "in bed."  :)   Also, added a photo of M in her solo dress (from the debut performance over St. Patrick's Day weekend, could have the weekend before in B'more's parade, but, C didn't take M to that).  Not clear shots, but, it's what I have right now.


1 comment:

  1. Oh well I guess hiding in plain sight is no longer an option. ~ Mike
