Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"Secret Destination Week" continued

Well, M called, the connection was horrible.   A few minutes in she asked if she could go to the bathroom and call me right back, lol, um, sure (rather wondering if she'd be allowed to call again, but she was).   She DID, though, and it was much better a connection.   She's at a beach in North Carolina.   Her little sisters friends grandparents place, along with that girls mom, while M's and Si's dad stays back here in Maryland working.  Huh?  WTF?   He's so concerned about "his" precious time with M, but he can't spend the time with her, or let her see her cousins (his nieces), or?   Whatever.   At least she gets a vacation someplace, but yes, I do believe that his main intent sometimes is to keep her from ME, not for him to spend more time with her.   And, it does seem a bit weird to me that he wouldn't go on a / the "family vacation."  But, hey, whatever.   I just think M would like it more if
her dad actually joined her.
And talked of school supplies, as the list came, (including an expensive graphing calculator oy), and her first day back is a day earlier now (b/c camping trip starts the following day which she was interested in, naturally), and I told her that her new fish from the fair last weekend were not doing so well.........   cuz, see, I did a double-goldfish burial this a.m. but I don't know M's emotional state.  Yes, she's 12, she should be able to handle this, but let me ease her into it first, w/ all the stuff she's going through right now and how very excited she was to get these daggone fish.   I did do a scan at PetsMart today, yes, there is another one there similar to one of them:)  lol   She did relay to me probably 5 times how dry her legs were, lol, so go put some lotion on them, sheesz, but she's going into the pool.  Girls!   But, that's okay, I love knowing most of what she's up to:)   Her "hemp with 4 green beads" wishing anklet is still on.   
I find it amazing, though, her dad didn't even join them.  It's as if his girlfriend has visitation of M, not him.   I can see him sending Mto his mother's, perhaps, something like that, but this is mostly about Si.    Amazing.  I just told M that at least she got to have some vacation time in a new place that sounds fun.   She borrowed a bicycle and can ride some places, and she has some books there to read.  I know she loves being in a beach town:)   She sounded alright, not great, finishing watching a little kids movie with Si the 4-year old, and Si's friend, the 5-year old.   It's a private beach that they have there, so that sounds lovely and quiet, and a bit devoid of girls M's age!
I told her that she could still go canoeing with Cthis weekend, then, that I didn't understand why he said his comment last Sunday, cuz the times would be the same and all, and she could still have time w/ him this weekend, and she sees me on Sunday night, and then next week, still to Maine with my mother and me.   She had no hesitation when I asked her if she still wanted to go there with us:)  Okay, it'll work.  I'm starting to try to prepare a bit for it even, at least at work.......

1 comment:

  1. Glad she called back from Area 51 and with a better connection.  ~ MIke
